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6 Questions to Reinvent Your Leadership Team

April 26, 20223 min read

A strong leadership team can be a powerful asset for any organization., mobilizing everyone to propel the organization's vision and strategy forward. Yet too often, this considerable potential goes untapped.

Consider the following questions to judge whether you and your leadership team make the most of your working days. It is essential to be honest, even brutally; otherwise, you will not get the most out of this little exercise. Let's begin.

1- How much of your time is spent running your department versus shaping the organization's future?

Many executives struggle to balance running their departments with working as part of a leadership team focused on the success of the whole organization. How much of your day is spent completing menial office tasks rather than consequential ones that will impact your organization?

2- Are you reactionary, spending your time responding to what others in the organization are doing, or are you being proactive, driving forward your organization's vision?

In today's complex, uncertain and fast-paced business environment, it is tempting to react to the latest issue and manage what it is. However, in addition to responding to the current situation, the best leaders can create something new. What often separates the best leaders is their ability to be visionary and creative, not just vigilant and reactive. Do you spend your days responding to what is happening around you or spend days preparing for the future?

3- How often do your strategic meetings lead you to make difficult choices about your organization's future?

There will never be an easy way to make difficult decisions. Difficult choices often involve people, money, and risk. The stakes are high for somebody, so the pressure mounts when you need to decide. When discussing the future of your organization, difficult decisions will be required. Are you able to make the difficult yet necessary decisions and take ownership of them?

4- How often do you ask people to come back with more-detailed proposals because your team doesn't quite have the clear vision to be decisive?

You can't be an effective leader who people want to follow without vision. This vision should go beyond your written organizational mission statement and your vision statement. The vision should permeate throughout the workplace and manifest in your department's actions, beliefs, values, goals, and decisions. Are you decisive? Do you have a clear vision for your department and the organization as a whole? How do you present this vision to your department?

5- How often do you debate who is responsible for an issue rather than addressing it?

Valuable time is often wasted arguing about who did what. Instead, your team leaders should take ownership of the problem and strive to resolve it. Do you take ownership of your responsibilities?

6- How often do you and other leadership team members work together on issues?

Healthy collaboration between departments is a sign of positive work culture. It can foster a sense of trust and camaraderie, enhance morale, empower the team, and make everyone more efficient in their roles. A united workforce motivated and dedicated to a shared vision can propel your organization forward. Do you and your leadership departments have regular and effective communication? How well do you know your colleagues on the leadership team? Do you feel that they care about your success, and do you care about theirs?

Leadership in the post-Covid world. 

You may be surprised by some of the answers to the questions above and realize that a considerable amount of your time is spent unproductively. Much more significantly, you may not be dedicating your energy to the transformation that will position your company for success in the future.

If, after answering the questions above, you have determined you and your leadership team are spending too much time being "busy but not productive," it is time to start leveling up your leadership team. 

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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