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What’s Holding You Back from Thinking Like a CEO?

What’s Holding You Back from Thinking Like a CEO?

October 15, 20245 min read

What’s Holding You Back from Thinking Like a CEO?

You’re buried in back-to-back meetings, putting out fires left and right, and solving problems for everyone but yourself. By the end of the week, you’ve worked nonstop, but somehow, you haven’t actually made a single strategic decision. Congratulations—you’re officially stuck in the grind. If you’re spending more time doing the work instead of leading the charge, you’re missing one critical thing: a CEO mindset.

Here’s the thing—whether you’re a COO, a PE-backed leader, or a senior HR exec desperately trying to build a leadership pipeline, tactical firefighting isn’t going to get you where you need to be. You’ve got to make the shift to big-picture leadership, or you’ll stay stuck in the weeds forever. So, what’s holding you back from thinking like a CEO? Let’s break it down.

Why You Need a CEO Mindset (and Who This Is For)

Let’s be clear—a CEO mindset isn’t just for people with the title. It’s for anyone who’s tired of playing whack-a-mole with problems and wants to focus on real growth. If you’re a senior leader or an aspiring executive, this shift is what will take you from tactical to visionary.

Why should you care? Well, without a CEO mindset, you’ll keep dealing with the same day-to-day crises, constantly fixing things instead of leading your team toward long-term success. You’ll survive, sure, but you won’t thrive.

You want a CEO mindset because:

  • You’ll get out of the grind and start focusing on growth.

  • You’ll learn to delegate, making your leadership team actually take ownership (instead of passing the buck).

  • It’ll give you the space to think strategically and drive results, not just handle daily chaos.

What’s Holding You Back?

If you’re still stuck in the grind, there are a few obvious reasons why you haven’t been able to make the leap. Let’s call them out:

1. You’re a Micromanager (Yep, I Said It)

If you’re checking in on every tiny detail, guess what—you’re not leading, you’re babysitting. CEOs don’t hover over who’s updating their calendar or whether the team got the email. They’re focused on what really moves the needle: strategy. But it’s hard to let go when you’re used to being the “fixer.”

Snarky Tip: If you’re more worried about what’s on Karen’s to-do list than where your company’s headed, you’re doing it wrong.

2. Tactical Overload Is Killing Your Leadership

When your day is just an endless stream of urgency, you’re not leading—you’re firefighting. And firefighting doesn’t scale. The more time you spend reacting to problems, the less time you have to make big-picture decisions.

Snarky Tip: If your calendar is filled with back-to-back "urgent" meetings, you’re not on fire—you’re burnt out. It’s time to step back before you flame out.

3. You Can’t Let Go (Trust Issues, Much?)

Look, we’ve all been there. You think if you don’t do it yourself, it won’t get done right. But if you don’t start trusting your team, you’ll always be the bottleneck, and guess what? That’s on you.

Snarky Tip: If your idea of delegating is “I’ll just fix it later,” then congrats—you’re your own worst enemy.

4 Steps to Shift from Managing to Leading

Ready to make the shift? Good. Here are four actionable steps to help you go from stuck in the grind to leading with a CEO mindset. Because no one ever grew a business by micromanaging.

1. Start Delegating (Seriously, Stop Hovering)

This one’s a non-negotiable. You’ve got to let go. Start by handing off real responsibilities to your leadership team and actually let them do the work. CEOs don’t micromanage—they empower. If you can’t do that, you’ll never make the shift.

Actionable Tip: Start by delegating one big task this week to a trusted team member. Let them own it—success or failure—and don’t jump in to save them.

2. Block Time for Strategic Thinking (No Excuses)

You need time to think big. Block out time in your schedule where no one’s allowed to bother you with petty nonsense, so you can actually focus on strategy and long-term planning.

Actionable Tip: Block one hour every Friday for pure strategy work. No emails, no fires—just you, the big picture, and a notepad.

3. Align Your Leadership Team (Get Them on the Same Page)

If your leadership team isn’t aligned with the company’s long-term goals, you’re doomed to repeat the same problems. You need everyone pulling in the same direction, not spinning their wheels on irrelevant tasks.

Actionable Tip: Hold a monthly “vision alignment” meeting where your leadership team checks in on big-picture goals. This isn’t a catch-up—it’s a realignment.

4. Stop Being the Fixer (Coach, Don’t Solve)

If every problem comes to you and you’re the one fixing them, you’ll never have time to lead strategically. Start coaching your team to handle problems on their own, and you’ll have the bandwidth to focus on growth.

Actionable Tip: Next time someone dumps a problem in your lap, don’t fix it. Ask, “What do you think we should do?” Then coach them through the solution.

The Long-Term Benefits of a CEO Mindset

When you finally make the shift to a CEO mindset, everything changes:

  • Your leadership team will stop relying on you to solve everything and start owning their results.

  • You’ll have time to think strategically, which leads to better decisions.

  • Most importantly, your company can finally grow without you being the bottleneck holding everything up.

Imagine this: Instead of running from crisis to crisis, you’re leading with confidence, and your team is aligned, accountable, and delivering results. You’re not just surviving the grind—you’re driving the business forward.


Look, the CEO mindset isn’t just a title—it’s a whole new way of operating. If you’re ready to stop being the problem-solver and start being the visionary, then it’s time to shift. Delegate, block time for strategy, and hold your leadership team accountable. Stop managing—start leading.

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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