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Stop Chasing Vanity Metrics and Start Winning

Stop Chasing Vanity Metrics and Start Winning

October 01, 20246 min read

If your dashboard looks like a Christmas tree, lit up with every metric imaginable, but you’re still not hitting your goals—let’s face it, something’s off. And you’re not alone. Too many teams are drowning in data that feels important but doesn’t actually help them win. They’re tracking all kinds of activity but missing the outcomes that really matter.

Here’s the hard truth: if you’re not measuring what drives results, you’re just spinning your wheels. Metrics should work for you, not make you feel busy for the sake of it. Adding more to your dashboard isn’t the answer—it’s time to get smarter, not busier.

Why Most Dashboards Are a Hot Mess

I know, I know—data is king, right? But let’s be real: just because your dashboard is crammed with metrics doesn’t mean it’s helping. Most of these metrics track activity, like how many meetings were held, how many emails were sent, or how many tasks were checked off. It makes you feel like things are happening, but none of it actually tells you whether you’re making progress.

These are what we call vanity metrics. They look good on paper, and they might even give you a temporary boost of confidence, but they don’t move the needle. Think about it—does knowing how many meetings your team had last week help you understand if your goals are being achieved? Probably not.

The Real Cost of Tracking Too Much

Let’s take a step back and think about this: every time you add another metric to your dashboard, you add complexity. More reports, more updates, more chasing numbers that, in the end, don’t impact your results. It’s like spending all your energy watching the clock during a race instead of running to the finish line.

This focus on activity metrics keeps your team busy—too busy—and distracts you from what’s really important: outcomes.

And let’s not forget the time you’re losing. Every minute spent tracking and analyzing the wrong data is a minute you could be using to drive actual results. You’re buried in numbers but don’t have a clear view of where you stand. That’s a problem.

The Scoreboard Solution: Focus on What Moves the Needle

So, what’s the alternative? Enter the scoreboard. It’s a simple but powerful tool that focuses only on key performance indicators (KPIs) that are directly connected to outcomes. Think of a scoreboard in sports: it doesn’t show how many passes were made; it shows the score—whether the team is winning or losing.

The same principle applies in leadership. If your dashboard isn’t showing you whether your team is winning, you’re wasting your time. You need KPIs that don’t just measure busyness but measure results.

Let’s dive into how to create a scoreboard that actually works:

1. Pick 3 to 5 KPIs Max—And Make Them Count

Here’s the golden rule: less is more. Choose three to five KPIs that truly reflect your team’s performance. Forget about tracking everything; you want to focus on the few metrics that are directly tied to your strategic goals.

For example, if you’re a sales team, don’t just track how many calls were made—track how many deals were closed. If you’re in project management, don’t just track hours worked—track milestones achieved. These are the metrics that tell you whether you’re progressing toward your goals, not just staying busy.

2. Tie KPIs to Outcomes, Not Activity

This is where most teams go wrong. They get bogged down in tracking activities—how many meetings, how many emails, how many tasks were completed. But activity doesn’t equal progress. Your KPIs need to be directly tied to outcomes.

Here’s an example: If you’re in marketing, it’s tempting to track how many campaigns were launched or how many posts went live. But what you really need to measure is conversion rates—how many leads those campaigns generated or how much revenue they drove. That’s the outcome, and that’s what matters.

It’s not about how much you’re doing; it’s about whether what you’re doing is working.

3. Keep It Simple, Keep It Visible

Once you’ve chosen your KPIs, make them easy to read and constantly visible. Your team should be able to look at the scoreboard and know, instantly, whether you’re on track. A cluttered, complex dashboard isn’t helping anyone—it just overwhelms people and makes it harder to see what really matters.

Let’s say you’ve chosen to track sales revenue, customer retention, and project delivery times. These metrics should be front and center on your scoreboard, updated regularly, so everyone knows where things stand at a glance.

Pro tip: Make sure your team is aligned with the KPIs. If they understand what’s being measured and why, they’ll focus their efforts on the right things. When everyone’s rowing in the same direction, progress happens faster.

4. Review and Adjust Regularly

Your scoreboard isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool. You need to review it regularly—weekly, monthly, whatever works for your team—and be prepared to adjust. If a metric isn’t giving you useful information, or if your goals change, update your KPIs. The scoreboard should be a living, breathing tool that evolves as your team and business grow.

And here’s the kicker: if you’re consistently hitting your KPIs, you’ll know it’s time to raise the bar. On the flip side, if you’re consistently missing the mark, it’s time to dig into what’s going wrong and fix it before it becomes a bigger problem.

Why It Works: Simplicity Wins Every Time

Here’s the beauty of the scoreboard: it forces you to focus on what truly matters. Instead of chasing after 20 different metrics, you’re tracking the handful that actually drive outcomes. This clarity makes decision-making easier. It helps you and your team prioritize the work that moves the needle—and ditch the busy work that doesn’t.

Remember: being busy is overrated. It’s the results that count. When you simplify your metrics, you free up time and energy to focus on winning. That’s how you go from just getting by to crushing your goals.

The Bottom Line: Ditch the Vanity Metrics, Focus on Winning

Look, we all love a good data dashboard, but if it’s packed with useless metrics, it’s not helping you—it’s slowing you down. A scoreboard, on the other hand, gives you clarity and focus. It shows you exactly where you stand and whether the work you’re doing is driving real results.

So, here’s your challenge: simplify. Strip away the noise. Focus on the metrics that drive outcomes, not activity. Your team—and your bottom line—will thank you for it.

Call to Action:

If you’re ready to start measuring what truly matters, grab a page from The Six-Step Leadership Challenge and build your scoreboard. It’s time to stop being busy and start winning.

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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