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JUGGLE and SOLVE 3 Rubik's Cubes - Not a Myth!

JUGGLE and SOLVE 3 Rubik's Cubes - Not a Myth!

June 18, 20245 min read

Think being a first-time Executive Leader is all about corner offices and executive perks?

Think again!

It's more like trying to solve three Rubik's Cubes while juggling them. And yes, that’s a thing, and the fastest time is just over two minutes.

Sooooo, good luck with that.

Welcome to the Big Show! As a first-time GM, CEO, Division Leader, or whatever creative title you receive, you’ve finally made it.

Now, instead of worrying about mundane tasks, you get to enjoy the thrilling challenge of setting a clear vision and strategy for your entire organization. Sounds fun, right? Well, buckle up, because this ride is anything but smooth.

First off, let’s talk about vision. Remember those inspirational quotes about seeing the future and believing in your dreams? Turns out, they weren’t kidding. As the executive leader, you're expected to whip up a vision so compelling that everyone from the janitor to the board of directors will rally behind it. 

No pressure. 

Just channel your inner clairvoyant and predict market trends, customer desires, and technological advancements all while sipping your morning coffee.

Rubik’s Cube #1 - The Vision Quest

Creating a vision is like writing a fantasy novel where you’re the protagonist who can foresee the future. You need to craft a story so compelling that it captures the hearts and minds of everyone! This vision needs to be ambitious yet realistic, innovative yet practical, and inspiring yet achievable.

And no, it's not one of those two-line vision statements that could apply to 100 different companies. This is a full vision story, like a day in the life of your company years from today. I often call this “the postcard from the future.”

Rubik’s Cube #2 - Your Treasure Map

Once you’ve conjured up this grand vision, it’s time to create a strategy to achieve it. Think of this as drafting a treasure map. You’ve got the “X marks the spot” (your vision), but now you need to plot the course to get there. This involves setting clear, actionable goals, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and developing a timeline.

This isn’t a fully loaded action plan; think of these as GPS waypoints to that future. These waypoints will need to ensure that your strategy is flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen changes. It’s like trying to follow a map where the landmarks keep moving. You’ll need to pivot and adjust your plans while keeping everyone on board and motivated.

Rubik’s Cube #3 - Aligning with Culture and Capabilities

Now comes the fun part: making sure your vision and strategy fit with your company’s existing culture and capabilities while pushing them to the next level. This is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, except the pieces keep changing shape and color every time you look away. You need to understand your company’s strengths and weaknesses and figure out how to leverage them to achieve all these goals (waypoints).

This also means fostering a culture that embraces change and innovation. If your company is stuck in its ways, convincing everyone to buy into your new vision can feel like trying to teach a cat to fetch. It’s not impossible, but it requires patience and persistence. Oh, and dare I say, lots and lots of treats.

Communication: The Art of Juggling Stakeholders

Finally, you need to communicate your vision and strategy to all stakeholders. This includes the board of directors, employees, investors, and customers. Each group has its own set of expectations and concerns, and it’s your job to address them all.

Now it is sort of like juggling those Rubik’s cubes while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. One wrong move, and the whole circus could come crashing down. You need to be transparent, honest, and inspiring. Keep everyone informed about your progress, and be prepared to make adjustments based on their feedback.

Embrace the Chaos

So, aspiring GMs, CEOs, or whatever your new title is, relish this opportunity. Setting a clear vision and strategy is your moment to shine. Embrace the chaos, the uncertainty, and the inevitable sleepless nights. Because when you finally get it right, it’ll all be worth it. Or so they say. Welcome to leadership!

In the end, your journey is less about having all the answers and more about asking the right questions, staying adaptable, and leading with conviction. It’s a challenging path, but with the right mindset, it’s also incredibly rewarding. So grab those Rubik’s Cubes and start juggling – your company’s future depends on it.

Why Executives Use My Leadership Coaching Services

Navigating this complex journey is no small feat, and that’s where I come in. Although I can only solve a single Rubik’s Cube at a time, (and let’s just say it takes longer than 2 minutes), as a leadership coach I specialize in helping executives like you transform from overwhelmed, stressed, and uncertain leaders into confident, strategic powerhouses. Here's how:

  • Vision Crafting: I guide you through the process of creating a compelling vision that not only inspires but also aligns with your company's long-term goals.

  • Strategic Planning: Together, we develop a flexible yet robust strategy to navigate your company towards success, complete with actionable goals and adaptable plans.

  • Cultural Alignment: I help you understand and leverage your company’s culture and capabilities, ensuring your vision and strategy fit seamlessly.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Learn the art of effective communication to keep your stakeholders informed and engaged, turning potential chaos into coordinated effort.

  • Elite Leadership Team Building: I facilitate the development of a cohesive, high-performing leadership team that can execute your vision and strategy effectively, fostering collaboration, trust, and resilience.

So if you’re ready to embrace the challenges and rewards of your new role, let’s connect and start your journey toward exceptional leadership.

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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