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0 Leadership Presence, 0 Trust—Here’s How I Turned It Around in 60 Seconds.

0 Leadership Presence, 0 Trust—Here’s How I Turned It Around in 60 Seconds.

August 13, 20244 min read

Let’s face it—executive presence is one of those elusive qualities that everyone talks about but few can define. You know it when you see it, but how do you cultivate it? And more importantly, can you really develop it in just 60 seconds? Spoiler alert: Yes, you can. But it’s not about faking it or putting on a show. It’s about making subtle, yet powerful adjustments that can instantly elevate how you’re perceived in any professional setting.

The Myth of Executive Presence

First things first, let’s debunk a myth: Executive presence isn’t about wearing the fanciest suit or having the loudest voice in the room. If it were that easy, we'd all be running around like peacocks in tailored suits, shouting our opinions at every turn. No, executive presence is much more than that. It’s about substance over style, influence over volume, and most importantly, it’s about trust. It’s the ability to inspire confidence in others, not just because of what you say, but how you say it—and how you carry yourself while you’re saying it.

How I Define Executive Presence

In my book, The Six-Step Leadership Challenge, I define executive presence through five key dimensions: Identification, Presentation, Communication, Affiliation, and Action. This framework provides my clients with solid, actionable concepts to work with, ensuring they have a clear understanding of what executive presence truly entails. Each of the tips I’m about to share fits within these dimensions, and when you master them, you’ll find that executive presence isn’t about being the loudest or most dominant person in the room. It’s about being the person others trust, listen to, and respect.

The 60-Second Executive Presence Boost

Now, I know what you’re thinking—how can you possibly develop something so nuanced in just 60 seconds? Well, you’re not going to become a master overnight, but you can make some quick adjustments that will have an immediate impact. Here’s how:

  1. Posture: Stand Tall, Project Confidence Stand up straight, shoulders back, and head held high. It’s basic, but it works. Good posture isn’t just about looking confident; it’s about feeling confident. When you stand tall, you send a signal to your brain (and everyone around you) that you’re in control. This fits squarely into the Presentation dimension of executive presence—how you present yourself physically is the foundation of how others perceive your leadership.

  2. Eye Contact: The Window to Trust Make eye contact—but don’t stare. There’s a sweet spot between glancing and glaring, and it’s where trust lives. When you maintain steady eye contact, you show that you’re engaged, confident, and trustworthy. It’s a simple act that can have a profound effect on how others perceive you. This falls under the Communication dimension, as how you engage with others visually is a powerful form of non-verbal communication.

  3. Pause: Own the Silence The next time you’re about to speak, pause for just a moment. This brief silence does two things: it gives you a chance to collect your thoughts, and it makes everyone around you pay attention. When you speak after a pause, your words carry more weight. It’s a trick that seasoned speakers use all the time—and so should you. This technique is also rooted in the Communication dimension—how you control the pace and rhythm of your speech can significantly impact your perceived authority.

  4. Voice Modulation: The Power of Tone How you say something can be just as important as what you say. A well-modulated voice exudes authority and calm. Practice varying your tone to emphasize key points, and avoid speaking in a monotone. A little bit of pitch variation can make you sound more engaging and, yes, more authoritative. This again ties into the Communication dimension, underscoring the importance of how you deliver your message.

  5. Smile: The Universal Connector A genuine smile can disarm even the most skeptical audience. It’s the quickest way to appear approachable, confident, and in control. Plus, it makes you feel good too, and that positivity will reflect in everything you say and do. Smiling taps into the Affiliation dimension, which is all about building connections and showing warmth, making others feel comfortable and engaged with you.

Putting It All Together

So, there you have it—a 60-second routine to boost your executive presence. Now, don’t get me wrong; this is just the beginning. Developing a truly commanding presence takes time, practice, and self-awareness. But by making these small adjustments, you can start to see immediate improvements in how others perceive you. And let’s be honest, in the fast-paced world we live in, who doesn’t need a quick win now and then?

So next time you walk into a meeting, give it a try. Stand tall, make eye contact, pause, modulate your voice, and don’t forget to smile. You might be surprised at how much of an impact you can make in such a short time. And who knows? That 60 seconds might just be the start of something bigger.

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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