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Secrets for Handling Long-Winded Leaders

May 24, 20223 min read

It can be tricky to tell people that they talk too much. And in cases where the offender is someone more powerful, like a senior executive or essential customer, it can be downright risky. Unfortunately, many “victims” are suffering in silence during meetings that never end, draining the life out of them. 

Being concise is a vital communication skill that your leadership will benefit from. Leaders appreciate it when employees practice upward communication, taking the responsibility to communicate new ideas, innovations, and better ways to accomplish the work. This ability is especially crucial during times of economic uncertainty, where responsibilities can change unexpectedly, and fresh ideas and input are essential at all organizational levels. 

As a leader, your team rises and falls with communication. It is almost impossible to carry out any task without needing to communicate with others. Concise communication is a skill that leaders and employees at all levels must learn to increase their productivity. 

How you Can Communicate More Concisely

Here are tips to keep in mind that will help you to communicate in a concise manner

#1. Ditch Over Explanation

It is possible to believe that people understand better when you explain the same concept in different ways. While this may be true in some cases, it is not in most cases. While trying to pass across information, ensure that you don’t spend the bulk of your time trying to explain the same thing repeatedly.

Instead, keep your conversation brief and straight to the point. After briefly explaining, you can leave the floor open for questions and possible clarification. Allow your audience to guide you to address specific gray areas.

#2. Eliminate Filler Words

Most people use filler words out of habit without even knowing it. However, filler words don’t add much meaning to the presentation and will only defeat your goal of making your communication concise. One way to ditch filler words is to practice intentionally. It may take a while before you can successfully stop using these words that have no meaning in your sentence.

#3. Practice

Delivering a concise presentation or speech may mean that you will invest more time practicing your message. During consistent practice, you will be able to identify areas that you need to work on and do the needful on time. Additionally, practicing will increase your confidence level as you will become familiar with the content, eliminating word fillers while making your delivery. 

#4. Demonstrate 

Research has shown that people are more likely to envision what you are talking about if you can demonstrate it. A brief illustration can communicate to the audience what you fail to communicate in many words. Therefore, ensure that you carry the audience along using the demonstration technique.

#5. Stick to Facts

Sticking to facts is one of the sure ways of communicating concisely. Facts make it impossible for those you are communicating with to argue. However, ensure that these facts are verifiable. 

#6. Know Your Audience

Before preparing any presentation, take the extra time to know your audience. This knowledge will help you understand the best communication method to reach them. Different things work for different people, and having background knowledge of your audience sets you up for success in your communication. 

#7. Be Yourself

It is possible to have great communicators that you are trying to mirror their approach. However, the best way to communicate effectively is not to imitate anyone. Take ample time to practice your presentation and allow your uniqueness to win the day.

Bottom Line

Concise communication is essential in getting desired feedback. By communicating this way, you can pass across your message more effectively and experience better outcomes. 

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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