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One Bade Apple

Why Your Remote Team’s Culture Is Turning Toxic (And Why You Might Not Even Notice)

September 17, 20246 min read

I love when we bring people in to interview for a job—whether it’s in our company, organization, or team. We always talk a great game about how amazing our corporate culture is, don’t we? We throw around words like "collaborative," "innovative," and "open communication" like we’re the poster child for a perfect workplace. But let’s be honest: is it really that great? Or are we just putting a shiny label on a hot mess of dysfunctional micro-cultures quietly tanking our performance?

Because here’s the thing—while we’re all focused on the big corporate culture speech, it’s those micro-cultures hiding within teams and departments that can make or break your success. And if you’re not paying attention, those little pockets of toxicity are just waiting to derail everything you’re working for.

The Silent Saboteur: What Are Micro-Cultures?

So, let’s talk about the thing no one likes to admit: micro-cultures. These are the little sub-environments within your company where all the real magic—or chaos—happens. Every team, department, and project group has its own way of doing things. How marketing works? Probably a world apart from how IT handles things. And don’t even get me started on sales. It’s like they’re all living on different planets.

But here’s the real kicker in today’s world: remote and hybrid workforces have turned culture into a whole new challenge. When you’re not seeing your team in person every day, it’s way easier for those toxic micro-cultures to develop in the shadows. What used to be whispered gossip at the water cooler has now turned into passive-aggressive Slack threads or behind-the-scenes Zoom chats. The high school lunch table cliques? Yep, they’ve gone virtual.

When micro-cultures are healthy and aligned with the company’s big goals, everything’s golden. But when they’re toxic, especially in a remote environment, that dysfunction can quietly wreak havoc—often without you noticing until it’s too late.

How Toxic Micro-Cultures Are Undermining Your Performance

So, what’s the real damage? Let’s break it down:

  1. Poor Communication
    In a fully remote or hybrid setup, poor communication becomes even more of a problem. If your team is siloed, it’s not just that they’re not talking—they’re literally not seeing each other. That makes it even easier for people to stay in their little corners, operating like no one else exists. Good luck getting any collaboration or alignment when teams are in their own echo chambers.

  2. Low Morale and Engagement
    Toxic micro-cultures used to thrive in office hallways and closed-door meetings. Now? They’ve gone digital. Micromanagement, mistrust, and exclusionary behaviors can run wild in a remote world—where no one can physically “see” the damage being done. When people feel isolated or excluded in virtual spaces, they disengage even faster. Hello, Zoom burnout.

  3. Resistance to Change
    In hybrid and remote environments, change can feel even more threatening. Without the regular in-person check-ins and discussions, teams can become more entrenched in their ways. Resistance to change? It’s now fueled by lack of face-to-face interaction, making it even harder to get everyone on board with new initiatives.

If you’re leading a remote or hybrid team and noticing these issues creeping in, guess what? The micro-culture could be your silent saboteur, even more so when your team is scattered across time zones and home offices.

Spotting the Warning Signs

So, how do you know if your team’s micro-culture is quietly tanking your success, especially when you’re managing from a distance? Here’s what to look for:

  • Teams operating like cliques at high school lunch tables—but now it’s happening on Slack.

  • Departments that communicate like they’re on separate planets, using Zoom only when absolutely necessary.

  • People more interested in getting credit than getting results—and doing it all from behind their screens.

  • Engagement dropping off a cliff, while people mute themselves on yet another virtual meeting.

  • Turnover so high you’re starting to wonder if you should just install a revolving door on the company’s website.

If any of these sound familiar, congratulations—your remote or hybrid team has a micro-culture issue. And the digital setup? It’s making it even harder to spot.

Fixing the Micro-Culture Mess in a Remote or Hybrid World

Now, for the big question: how do you fix a toxic micro-culture when your team is scattered across home offices, co-working spaces, and occasional in-person meetups? It’s not impossible, but it does take a more intentional approach.

  1. Model the Behavior You Want to See (Even Virtually)
    Just because you’re leading through a screen doesn’t mean your team isn’t watching how you behave. In fact, they’re probably watching you more closely now. If you want transparency, collaboration, or trust, you’ve got to show up that way in every virtual meeting, email, and message. Your behavior sets the tone—even when it’s digital.

  2. Create the Right Environment for Remote Collaboration
    You can’t force people to change, but you can set the stage for the right behaviors to take root—even online. Want more communication? Build it into your remote workflow. Create open channels, encourage face-to-face (even if it’s virtual) discussions, and make collaboration easy. Remote teams need the structure and tools that bring them together, or they’ll drift apart.

  3. Address Toxic Behavior—Don’t Let It Hide Behind Screens
    Toxic behaviors love to hide in remote setups. Passive-aggressive emails, disengaged Zoom calls, or private group chats where the real discussions happen are all red flags. If you notice these things happening, call them out. Yes, it’s uncomfortable. But the longer you ignore it, the more entrenched the toxic culture becomes.

  4. Align Micro-Cultures with Company Goals—No Matter the Distance
    Just because your team is spread out doesn’t mean they should be operating in their own little bubbles. Make sure each team’s micro-culture stays aligned with the company’s larger goals and vision, even when they’re working remotely. Keep the communication open, the goals clear, and the expectations consistent.

Take Back Control—Even Remotely

Leading a team that’s spread out across the globe (or at least across the city) is no easy feat. But just because you’re managing remotely or in a hybrid setting doesn’t mean you can’t shape a positive culture. Your leadership is the glue that holds everything together, whether you’re in the same office or on different Zoom screens.

By modeling the right behaviors, creating an environment that encourages collaboration, and addressing toxic behavior head-on—even in a virtual world—you can take back control of your team’s micro-culture. Once you do that? Your team stops sabotaging itself and starts performing like a well-oiled machine, no matter where they’re working from.


Remote and hybrid workforces have made managing culture more challenging, but they’ve also made it more important than ever. If your team’s underperforming and you can’t figure out why, the problem might not be what’s happening in front of your eyes—it could be what’s happening behind the screens.

Take a look at how your team operates day-to-day, whether in-person or online. Is it helping you succeed, or quietly sabotaging everything? And more importantly, are you going to do something about it?

Because even in a remote world, micro-cultures don’t fix themselves.

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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