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Is Your Leadership Team Passing the Test? Find Out Now!

Is Your Leadership Team Passing the Test? Find Out Now!

July 09, 20244 min read

As a senior executive, your time isn't just valuable—it's the lifeblood of your organization's success. Every moment spent on mundane tasks is a direct hit to your ability to drive strategic vision and innovation, costing your organization its competitive edge. The real question is: are you maximizing this critical asset, or are you squandering it on managing a leadership team that isn't up to par?

Here are six essential questions to help you evaluate whether your leadership team is up to the task. Be brutally honest with yourself—your organization’s future depends on it.

1. How much time do you spend running your department versus shaping the organization's future?

Reflect on your daily schedule. How much of it is consumed by routine management tasks? If you’re finding that most of your time is dedicated to operational details rather than strategic initiatives, it’s a sign that your leadership team might not be pulling their weight. Great leaders ensure their team handles the minutiae, allowing them to focus on the bigger picture.

2. How often do you debate responsibility rather than solving the problem?

Blame games are a sure sign of dysfunction within a leadership team. When problems arise, the focus should not be on "Whose fault is this?" but rather, "How do we fix it?" Assess whether your team spends more time pointing fingers than addressing issues. Are you spending your time cleaning up wabbles in the sandbox—managing conflicts and miscommunications between your leadership team members? A high-functioning leadership team takes ownership and swiftly moves towards resolution.

3. Do you and your leadership team collaborate effectively?

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of a successful leadership team. It’s not just about getting along—it’s about leveraging each other’s strengths to achieve common goals. Do your leaders communicate openly and work well together? Do they support each other’s success as much as their own? If not, it’s time to build a more cohesive and cooperative team environment.

4. Are you reactionary or proactive in driving your organization's vision?

In the fast-paced world of business, it’s easy to become reactionary. But the best leaders don’t just respond to crises—they anticipate them and prepare accordingly. Evaluate your leadership team: do they have a proactive stance towards the future, or are they constantly in firefighting mode? A proactive team drives the organization forward with a clear, strategic vision.

5. How often do your strategic meetings lead to difficult choices?

Meetings should be more than just an exchange of updates—they should be arenas where tough decisions are made. If your strategic meetings rarely result in decisive actions, it may indicate a lack of courage or clarity within your leadership team. Effective leaders make hard choices and stand by them, driving the organization towards its goals.

6. Do you have a clear vision that prevents the need for overly detailed proposals?

A strong vision empowers your team to act decisively without needing constant direction. If your team frequently requests detailed proposals and endless revisions, it might signal a lack of confidence or clarity in your vision. Ensure your vision is clear, compelling, and communicated effectively to inspire independent and informed decision-making.

Investing in Strategic Leadership

If these questions have revealed some uncomfortable truths, don’t panic—there’s still time to course-correct. As a senior executive, your role isn't just to manage but to inspire and cultivate a team that functions at a high level without your constant oversight. Focus on building leaders who can confidently take the reins and run with them.

Here’s how I help senior leaders transform their teams from mediocre to magnificent:

  • Empower Your Leaders: Seriously, let them make decisions. Give them the authority and responsibility they need to handle operational details so you can focus on strategic planning. Trust me, micromanaging is not a leadership style—it's a surefire way to stifle growth.

  • Foster Proactivity: Encourage your team to be forward-thinkers. Challenge them to anticipate future challenges and opportunities and develop plans to address them. No more waiting for the sky to fall before they react.

  • Encourage Tough Decisions: Create a culture where making difficult decisions is the norm, not the exception. Reward decisiveness and accountability. If your leaders are afraid to make a call, they're not leading—they're babysitting.

  • Clarify Your Vision: If your vision isn’t clear and compelling, don’t be surprised if your team constantly needs detailed proposals and revisions. Communicate your vision regularly and ensure every team member understands their role in achieving it. It's not rocket science—it's leadership 101.

  • Promote Collaboration: Build a culture of trust and cooperation. Facilitate open communication and regular collaboration among your leaders. If they can’t work together, you're herding cats, not leading a team.

Ready to Elevate Your Leadership Team?

If your leadership team isn’t passing the test, it’s time to take action. By investing in their development and fostering a strategic mindset, you’ll not only free yourself from the daily grind but also set your organization on a path to sustained success.

Need help turning these insights into action? Contact me for a free chat, and let's start transforming your leadership team today. Schedule your virtual coffee at

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Jim Saliba

James is a 30+ year veteran in the Software and Technology industry. He shares with you his years of experience and winning ways to become a successful leader, while becoming 'unstuck' from the overwhelming challenges that hold us back from complete success.

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